Southampton Buccaneers Field Target Club


Field Target Shooting

A bit of a misnomer because the majority of targets are set in our beautiful woods. Originally, when the sport was in it’s infancy, air gun shooters would shoot over fields, hence the name. However, we have moved on from those days and, to make things interesting the targets are now placed in trees, bushes as well as open land, at various distances.


The club shoots most Sundays, weather permitting, from 8am until about 12.30pm.


The club is affiliated to our regional body, the Central Southern Field Target Association who, in turn, are members of the national organisation, The British Field Target Association . These associations are responsible for organising regional, and national, competitions


Buccaneers are a small air rifle club whose members represent a good cross section of the shooting community, from casual shooters to those that compete at a high level. Therefore, we welcome everyone. You can also find information from our Facebook Group Southampton Buccaneers Air Rifle Club

Southampton Buccaneers Field Target Club


Field Target Shooting

A bit of a misnomer because the majority of targets are set in our beautiful woods. Originally, when the sport was in it’s infancy, air gun shooters would shoot over fields, hence the name. However, we have moved on from those days and, to make things interesting the targets are now placed in trees, bushes as well as open land, at various distances.


The club shoots most Sundays, weather permitting, from 8am until about 12.30pm.


The club is affiliated to our regional body, the Central Southern Field Target Association who, in turn, are members of the national organisation, The British Field Target Association . These associations are responsible for organising regional, and national, competitions


Buccaneers are a small air rifle club whose members represent a good cross section of the shooting community, from casual shooters to those that compete at a high level. Therefore, we welcome everyone. You can also find information from our Facebook Group Southampton Buccaneers Air Rifle Club

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