Southampton Buccaneers Field Target Club
Its shooting at a knock down target and scoring a hit. The target is an unknown distance away with an unknown target size (Hit Zone). All done from a seated (Mainly), Kneeling or standing posistion. Scoring is either a hit or a miss ( X or 0). Competitions are 30 to 50 targets set into lanes with 2 targets in each lane. They are 10 to 55 yards in distance with hit zones of 15mm, 25mm or 40mm. The normal position is seated on a cushion. You get 2-3 minutes from first looking through scope to take your 2 shots. Wikipedia has some more details on the subject.
1. Zero your rifle. Many people will have an opinion on distance to zero at. I kept it simple and did 25 yards (Many tutorials can help you zero your rifle). The scope you choose will be an important factor. The main factor being cost as Specialist FT scopes can go from 00’s to 000’s. Dont let it put you off a lot of fun can be had with a less costly scope, remember you do not have to enter competitions but if you wish to then plenty of people can help you with this please check out our Competitions page for some information around types currently being run.. 2. Understand your Scope. Its realationship with Turret and distance plus windage for wind conditions. The better you know that the more success can be accomplished. 3. Practice, Practice, Paractice and more practice.
Southampton Buccaneers Field Target Club
Its shooting at a knock down target and scoring a hit. The target is an unknown distance away with an unknown target size (Hit Zone). All done from a seated (Mainly), Kneeling or standing posistion. Scoring is either a hit or a miss ( X or 0). Competitions are 30 to 50 targets set into lanes with 2 targets in each lane. They are 10 to 55 yards in distance with hit zones of 15mm, 25mm or 40mm. The normal position is seated on a cushion. You get 2-3 minutes from first looking through scope to take your 2 shots. Wikipedia has some more details on the subject.
1. Zero your rifle. Many people will have an opinion on distance to zero at. I kept it simple and did 25 yards (Many tutorials can help you zero your rifle). The scope you choose will be an important factor. The main factor being cost as Specialist FT scopes can go from 00’s to 000’s. Dont let it put you off a lot of fun can be had with a less costly scope, remember you do not have to enter competitions but if you wish to then plenty of people can help you with this please check out our Competitions page for some information around types currently being run.. 2. Understand your Scope. Its realationship with Turret and distance plus windage for wind conditions. The better you know that the more success can be accomplished. 3. Practice, Practice, Paractice and more practice.
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